As a little girl growing up I always assumed to ‘be wise’ was something that you had to go out and get, research, to listen to somebody more wiser than me. It started in school, we learnt about wise people, we listened to what wisdom they had to say, we sourced them, we quoted them […]

“In 1957 a group of monks needed to relocate a giant clay Buddha statue from their temple to a new location, since their monastery was being relocated to make room for a highway through Bangkok. When the crane lifted the massive idol, the weight of it was so tremendous that it began to crack. The […]

I am sitting at my kitchen table staring at the results of a new recipe I tried making today. *If you are wondering it was supposed to be feta, chickpea and spinach parcels! When I presented it to my kids, they all said ?Yuk, that was disgusting?, and I couldn?t agree more. Even the dogs […]

Today I have had a realization on the type of ?role? I have been hanging out in recently and I am questioning whether it has been serving me well. When I reflect on my inactivity over the last year in pushing through with my projects, my mind recalls that I have spent much of that time […]

The Role Parents Play in the Programming Years of their children I wish I had understood how the brain works, when my kids were tiny?.. I would have done so many things differently to what I actually did. Though for you, having this information at your fingertips now will reap rewards for your little ones […]

Are you always judging your parenting skills, annoyed at how reactive you can be, disappointed that you are not a happier parent and living in the hope that things will get better in the future once certain goals have been achieved? To be happy for a reason is relatively easy ? good things happen to […]